Hey guys!
Well can I just say I am tired. Agh. We all went running today and it's been awhile since we have run. This transfer I've maybe gone running about 4 times...yeah I know I am so lazy. With the freezing cold weather and all the scambios we've been doing we are finding lots of excuses to not run. Basically I need to just push myself a little harder to get up and get going! I'm tired now because this morning during our run we did more sprint type stuff. I didn't realize how out of shape I am....yikes. I will probably set a goal to run more.
So I was just kidding about the Italians messing with the package. I was planning on writing at the end of the last letter that I was just kidding but I forgot. I really like the addidas shirt so thanks!
Our ups and downs are continuing. This week we took a really big dagger to the heart with Fernando. Our lesson with him last Thursday didn't really go as we had wanted it to. We didn't really bring the spirit like we'd wanted to and he wasn't super excited about the Word of Wisdom. We told him to pray about it before the next lesson. Well our lesson was the next day and he cancelled on us. When we asked if he would come to church he said no because he was going to go to his mom's church. Basically it seems like he's done but we aren't sure yet. He told us to call him the next Tuesday, but yesterday he didn't answer. We were super bummed about that because he is so awesome.
On Sunday we were pretty blessed. We were a little down about Fernando but we went forward. Right as we finished our lunch appointment we met this woman from Moldavia. She stopped and talked and was very kind. She kept asking about where we learned Italian and if she spoke well. We then talked with her about the gospel and about Jesus Christ. We introduced the Book of Mormon and she sounded super excited about it. A little bit later we were doing casa and we found an African family. The three children all spooke Italian but the parents didn't. We got a return appointment with them as well. Right after them we met another woman from Moldavia who also was super nice. She too wanted to know more about the Book of Mormon.
It was really awesome to see how much the Lord blessed us as we were going forward. We don't have time to sit and lay down over our trials and other problems. The energy and hope that got sucked out of us after the setback with Fernando was replaced with a renewed sense of joy and energy! The Lord is always thinking about us and helping us along this path. I love how it really isn't an easy path, but one that makes us stretch and grow our faith.
I'm finding that I need to be so much better. There isn't a moment to lose when trying to be a better missionary. I feel like every second there is something I need to get better at. My companion and I have both noticed that I can tend to find too many things to improve. I need to take things one step at a time. My biggest goal is to really think more about this zone we are working with. We both feel that yeah we are working hard in our city, but we need to dedicate more of our hearts to the missionaries in our zone. It's a bit tough when you have the biggest zone in the mission but we will find a way.
I am about finished with the book of Mormon(in the Book of Mormon). It has been super interesting and sad to see how the Nephites went from being the happiest they've ever been to being the most wicked in a matter of 200 years. Mormon talks about his attempts at calling them to repentance but they were to no avail. After trying his best he had to witness his brothers get slaughtered by the Lamanites. I really like what he says after the great battle. It is found in Mormon 6:17-22. Mormon was truly sad and just crushed about his people. They turned to wickness and did not find happiness. I'm not really trying to relate this to anything I've said thus far in this email. It just helps me realize how the Lord's arms are always open to receive us and we just have to walk toward him.
Well...I hope you had a great week. I can't believe another transfer has yet again almost passed by. Thanks for all the great news. That is super awesome that JOGA kicked some butt!
Love you all....have a great week!
Our son Benjamin Smith will be Elder Neff's new companion in Verona. Where is Elder Neff from? We live in McLean, VA. So good to read Anziano Neff's letter today. He seems like a wonderful hard working Elder. GOD BLESS THEM ALL!
Irene Bortolussi Smith
Ciao. Elder Neff has heard good things about your son from Elders Scheurn and Webb, and is excited to serve with your son. He is from Salt Lake City. I have a cousin that lives in McLean (I think), Claudette Gerard. With a name like Bortolussi it must be exciting for your son to be in Italy. Feel free to email us at brad_neff@comcast.net