Monday, April 9, 2012

I'm Beyond Blessed To Be Able To Share The Gosepl Daily

Well after all the success from the beginning of last week I think the Lord is trying us again. We had about three straight days of miracles and awesome blessings. At some point in the week, I think it was Friday, we hit another road block. Two of our "progressing" investigators just slipped off the face of the earth. We'd really been planning to see them two more times in the week but it never happened. The wife of Emilio had to go to the hospital and since then we haven't heard from him. This other really in gamba (on the ball) African cancelled on us and hasn't answered since. We felt like after rebuilding our faith it all crumbled again haha. We picked ourselves up pretty well though, and made it into Conference ready to learn and feel the Spirit.

I have to say that the mission has changed my entire perspective of general conference. I yearn to learn more and crave to hear more. In almost every single talk there are things to be learned. You'd be amazed to see how much the Apostles quote Preach My Gospel. I think as missionaries we've read it so much that it just sticks in our brains. I remember a few times some of the Apostles directly quoting phrases from it. It is modern day scripture created just for us. President Packer said awhile back that it was designed behind the veil but put together in this life.

I think the main talks that i really loved were those of Hallstrom, both of Uchtdorf's, Dallin H. Oaks, D. Todd Christoferson, and the story of the missionary putting his arm around his companion after having the door slammed in their faces. For me that really stuck out to me how much more I need to love my companions. It helped me realize how much more I need to love this work and the people I am serving. I haven't had much time to review the talks because we've been having to send in weekly numbers, do exchanges with the assistants and plan trainings. This next week though I'm going to really look over them all though and see what I can start doing better.

So have there been any new cousins born into the family that I don't know about? Anything cool happening with other cousins? Anything? I really don't get much updates from any family members except from the grandparents. It doesn't help when I don't write all the aunt and uncles but lets be real.....that would take FOREVER. There are too many and I wouldn't want to make certain ones feel bad for writing one and not the other.

Honestly not a whole lot has really happened this week for us. It's been quiet but full of hard work. We are really trying to get those 20 lessons a week. We have a few districts that have really caught the vision yet others who are really struggling. We've come to figure out that it all starts with planning. If we all just took quality time to plan out our weeks and not go through the motions during planning sessions things would get done. I think one of the things I'm starting to realize as well is that my prayers are really sucking big time. I've been really lacking in that area so I'm gonna try really hard to make it a habit to pray diligently. I think it will help me but also those in the zone as I try and help them out.

This has been short email and I apologize but we have just had ZERO time today. It's tough trying to clean an apartment by yourself (it's been trashed by scambios)....I thought all 20 year old guys like to clean but I guess I was wrong.

Well I really love you all! I will say that the biggest thing that stuck out to me in General Conference was the Gospel. They talked on and on about the Gospel. I really loved the talk about being active in the Gospel and not just active in the church. It changes us daily as we really strive to follow it. One speaker mentioned that we should allow the sacrament to change us weekly. The Gospel is true and I'm beyond blessed to be able to share it with people daily. WE must all strive to be active in the Gospel.

Love TuCkEr

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