Thursday, July 19, 2012

Love Pushes Me's cooling down! We have just been loving the fact that the last couple days have been nice and cool. Hopefully it will keep on coming. Can you believe that Summer is almost halfway over?

The work has been going pretty great this week. I love being able to do numbers because it shows exactly where we need to improve. We are really needing more investigators and the Lord has blessed us a ton. We've been re-introduced to Teach to Find which consists of small powerful statements of truth, a question then a testimony. It works sort of like this:

Missionary 1) Principle(one sentence)
Question based on principle

Missionary 2)Testimony on last principle
New Principle

Missionary 1) Testify
Relate to Restoration

We struggled with it a bit seeing as how we were just used to talking a lot without getting the perso(s) involved. It really helps us get them involved and bring a stronger spirit. We are finally getting good at it. Basically in nightly planning we envision who we want to find and then plan princples according to the persons needs. In the mornings during personal studies we write up short phrases to use and question to ask. This past week we have really found quite a few interested people using this method.

Felice has been doing pretty good. We found out on Saturday when we went to teach him that it was his birthday. They had a cake all ready haha so after the lesson we ate cake and sang happy birthday to him. We have gotten really close with him and his family over the last few weeks. He threw away his coffee on Sunday and hasn't had any since. He didn't come to church on Sunday though. I guess his wife had some ''emergency'' with her sister so for that they couldn't come. We might have to change his date because he hasn't made it to sacrament meeting for like 3 weeks. The two weeks before his daugther vomited in the car both times and they got there late. Besides that he will get baptized this transfer.

Ivan is sort of waiting for his girl friend to leave back to Ukraine. He is totally putting off praying about chastity. He keeps just saying that when she leaves he will have some time to reflect. At least he's being honest but we want to get started sooner rather than later. He misses church every other week because he's sick. Miraculously he seems better around noon time though. haha. We really need to solidify his desire to follow Christ and help him realize he needs to act. It's great though that he's been able to notice changes in his life from this message.

I talked a little bit about Romolo last week. He's from Peru and was taught a bunch of times about two years ago. He remembers Joseph Smith quite a bit and the Book of Mormon. We've been seeing him about every other day and he just loves the lessons. He wants to learn more about Joseph and the Book of Mormon. He was also very interested to learn that there are living prophets and apostles. His wife is still in Peru but will be coming here soon. She is a Jehovahs Witness though so we better get him an answer quick before she hits him over the head with her Bible....ansì...New World Translations.

Yes I'm still writing down the lessons I've learned in the mission.

They talked yesterday in Zone Conference a little bit about loving people. I was able to really realize how much my love has grown for people. Obviously I get impatient sometimes and don't always show it like I should, but it's grown a lot. I think one of the things that pushes me to just keep working is this love. I think those who don't have love do it out of duty. At the beginning of the mission I think I did it more out of duty but it's slowly transformed me. I just feel happy as I talk to more people and get to know more people.

I'm excited how to see how this love will show itself after that mission. Don't get trunky. Have some fun this week and we will hear from each other next week.

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