Sunday, September 25, 2011

"I hope I will be a great member in your church"

From September 7 e-mail

hey everyone!

Well we were able to have a pretty decent week this week. I was actually able to leave Modena and go to Reggio Emilia for a scambio. Our zone leaders felt that since we don't have elders in my district to do scambios with that we could do one. Reggio Emilia is super close but it was super fun. We were able to teach a bunch of lessons, see some really cool investigators and members of the ward there. I was also able to see how much better their apartment is than ours haha.

So a little update on our investigators. Monday night we had a super awesome lesson with Ettore. So basically Ettore had been taught just about everything and was willing to follow the commandments. He'd actually been following them for quiet some time but he was waiting to receive a solid answer to his prayers before being baptized. On Monday though we brought one of the returned missionaries to the lesson and talked all about Alma 32:21. It talks about how faith isn't having a perfect knowledge of things. We applied it to his situation about baptism and invited him to be baptized a week from Saturday and he said yes!! We were soooooooooo stoked for him. Tonight we are putting all the arrangements for the baptism together. We are super excited.

I also talked a little bit about Edmond last week, I think. Anyways he ran into us about a month ago. We started teaching him and came to find out that he went to church when he was in Ghana. He wasn't ever baptized though. Anyways he knows quite a bit about the church, even a little about the temple. We brought him to church last week and were starting to teach him so he can be baptized the 24th. He told us the other day haha, "I hope I will be a great member in your church". We laughed and told him he would.

This week my companion helped me to really realized how much I need to be me. We were just doing casa and brought up the fact about how weird we sound when we speak sometimes. We got talking about our entire casa approach and even just the way we talk. We really realized that we weren't fully being ourselves. We are both super funny and outgoing. Up until that point it didn't feel like we were entirely ourselves. We also realized how when we were teaching we weren't being ourselves either. While it's good to sound like this well-mannered, spiritual, Satan fighting person, we still need to be ourselves. For me I realized how much more I need to put my own personality into this work. I need to be my funny, slightly goofy self. That is one of the things we are working on this week!

So up until this point me and my companion haven't gotten inside a whole lot doing casa. A little of this is due to the fact that we do lots of strada and parco. It just has seemed that we hardly ever get in doing casa. This last Sunday though we planned to do some casa in centro. In the past we have avoided doing this because we both dislike doing casa in centro.

The night before during programming we both felt fine with the thought of doing it. So we started Sunday afternoon by doing casa. After the first small palazzo we exited without meeting anyone. The next palazzo though we got in at the first door. We were able to have a pretty good casa lesson although we left a little rust on his couch. It was really a great example for me because it helps me to know that sometimes we can't just not do certain things because we don't like it. For us we don't usually like centro casa but we both felt inclined to do it and in the end it paid off. We just need to follow the spirit and it'll lead us to the God's elect.

So I got your package yesterday! I was so pumped when I saw it. I tore it open sooo fast. It was actually my companion's birthday yesterday. Kinda funny that I got a present yesterday and he didn't. He was definitely super into it about having it be his birthday. I remember for me it was like something that was so not a big deal but haha I've never seen someone so into the whole birthday thing...I made him German pancakes in the morning so that's about the only thing special that happened for his birthday.

This morning we went to a half-member families house to work in their vineyard! It was super fun and I will send some pictures.

Anyways that is cool the Utes won, hopefully they can pick it up this week verse USC. I'm totally gearing up for another general conference. We also have transfers coming up in a few weeks so I dunno what's gonna happen there. in the words of Lloyd Christmas..."aahhh..uhhh"

Love you guys and can't wait to hear from ya next week. Hope you liked the email!


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