Sunday, September 25, 2011

"What Would Jesus Do.... and Don't Lie"

Ooh no no....I know I'm in Italy but putting more about sports stuff about Italian soccer than Utah football?....strike three and you are out my friend. Devi sempre spedirmi le cose degli uomini. Calcio è un pò feminile, che pensi tu? Mi piace il calcio ma babbo, dai!

Va bene padre mio, ti perdono ma la prossima volta ti aspetto di spedirmi le cose più, diciamo, maschile. ok ok sto scherzando un po. Im super grateful for the sports stuff dad! just giving ya a bit of a hard time. Im excited to get that package you guys sent.

Did you send it to my apartment or to Milano office?

So what's up everyone? You said that Salt Lake has been pretty hot these days?....haha you probably don't realize how hot it is here in Modena. HOLY SMOKES...I'm surprised the city hasn't just caught on fire from his heat. I think the temperature has been floating around 38 to 40 Celsius the past week!!!! Luckily we are still alive but it has been super difficult. The new sister in my district has basically had to stay inside the entire week because she cant take it. We literally step outside our apartment at 10:30 to start the day and within about 5 minutes we are just sweating like crazy haha. HOPE it doesn't sound like I'm complaining! I've managed to just laugh about it quite a bit but still WHEW.......tough work I'm telling ya. We have had bike problems the last couple days. I've never appreciated having a bike so much in my entire life.

Haha well other than being hot....the work is going so so. Ferragosto was pretty tough on us this last week but we managed to get through it. We were basically confined to working in centro the entire week because there was literally just nobody around. The people are starting to trickle back into Modena though. I don't have lots to tell this week because really not much happened. We only taught about 10lessons this week. haha we set up about 30 lesson but about 2/3 of them all cancelled. I don't think we had any lessons this week with our investigators. They were all with members, new converts and a couple new people we met in the parks and what not.

It was really an awesome week for us though to see what our weaknesses were as a companionship. We figured out that we need to really work on our street approach and overall ability to be personable with people. We had the opportunity to do a blitz with the Zone leaders which really helped a lot. I was with Anziano Andersen and it was amazing to see how much better I can be. The dude can just teach but at the same time talk and really get to know people.

Well we had planned to have Ettore baptized this week but unfortunately we still haven't been able to see him for awhile. He got back from vacation last week but has been "busy" and what not. We can just tell by talking with him on the phone his desire has kinda vanished. We are seeing him tonight though and we fill it will be an awesome lesson. We're hoping to get back on the baptism train...CHOO CHOO!

well we've really been trying hard to find some investigators this past week. We weren't able to teach a whole lot of lessons because about 2/3 of every lesson we set ended up getting cancelled. Our Red Zone finding time from 6pm-8pm expanded to an all day process of finding! Even with all this time to find people to teach we couldn't find a single person. It was like this for about 3 days straight.

We were working yesterday for awhile in the park trying to find people. We were able to have a few lessons with people we met. We had already had about 2 lessons cancel so we were trying to make up for them to reach our daily goals. It got to be about 6 pm which was the time we scheduled to do casa.

We got to the street we chose and we both felt prompted to skip it and go to the next adjoining street. From afar they were just these big palazzi that we hadn't done yet. When we got to the front of the building we realized we had already done it.

We both decided to go and do this palazzo anyway and after a couple doors we were greeted by a family from Africa and had an awesome lesson. They were super interested, they weren't the normal "African" investigator that responds to every question with "ya ya Jesus Christ is our Savior" even when that answer has nothing to do with the question. It was just cool to see how we were prompted to divert from our programmed street and yet we found success. I know that as we try to really listen for these promptings we will find even more success.

Mom you asked about what new insight and also about the scriptures. Hm....your kinda putting me on the spot....I have really been able to focus a lot on baptism this past week and why it's important. Of course there are so many reasons for instance...we make covenants that bring us blessings, we can receive the holy ghost after and have its guidance, we have to be baptized to reach the celestial kingdom. There are many reasons but the one that has really hit me a lot the last week is this....2 Nephi 31:5(basically 5-12). The thing I've realized is that Christ was baptized. We are here on the earth to follow our Savior Jesus Christ and do the things he did. Christ was perfect but yet he was baptized so that he could show us the way. Of course there are many excellent reasons to be baptized but for me the main one is that by being baptized we follow Christ. I just think it's as simple as that. Christ tells us in these verses to follow him, in Italian it says "Seguiteme, seguiteme...follow me". So for my investigators maybe I should just ask "what would Jesus do? and don't lie!"

I'm stoked that Hillary is playing really good. So what is the team's overall record and how do you think they are doing up until now? That is kinda lame that the Xardinals are dropping off...I guess I chose a great time to come into the mission huh?. Keep on keeping on. I can tell by reading the emails you're all very busy but "Cela FATE!"

Love you all and am excited to hear from you next week.


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